UV germicidal lights


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    REME HALO® Whole Home In-Duct Air Purifier

    The award winning REME HALO® whole home in-duct air purifier is the next generation of indoor air quality (IAQ) technology and capable of purifying every cubic inch of air that your central air conditioning system reaches. Designed to eliminate sick building syndrome risks by reducing odors and air pollutants, the REME HALO® whole home in-duct air purifier is the best solution for whole house and building air purification.

    Invented to recreate nature’s process of purifying the air, it’s like bringing fresh outdoor air inside without ever having to open your windows. And it’s effective against all three categories of indoor air pollutants: Particulates, Microbial and Gases.

    You can now reduce common allergy triggers from particulates such as pollen, mold spores, dander and dust. Thoroughly tested on airborne and surface bacteria & viruses, such as MRSA, e-coli, and Norwalk, to name a few. Say goodbye to odors from cooking, pets, dirty socks, diaper pails, and musty rooms.

    RGF® PHI-Cell® and REME HALO® Technology – Impact on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)


    From the World Health Organization, “Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).” Further from WHO, “COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus. This new virus was unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.”

    RGF® manufactures a range of air purification and air filtration products for residential, commercial and healthcare applications. This bulletin aims to answer frequently asked questions for our distributors.

    Are test results available for RGF’s PHI-Cell® or REME HALO® on COVID-19?

    We currently do not have testing specifically on the Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are evaluating testing options with partners in both U.S. and China. As there are a limited number of facilities capable of testing for this virus, their focus is on prioritizing testing as it relates directly to the recent outbreaks.

    Is RGF’s PHI-Cell® and REME HALO® technology effective at reducing COVID-19?

    COVID-19 is a member of the enveloped RNA coronavirus (subgenus sarbecovirus, Orthocoronavirinae) subfamily. While RGF® does not have testing specifically on COVID-19, we have validated test results showing 99+% reductions on similar viruses. These viruses, like COVID-19, are also ‘enveloped’ or protein jacketed virus types. If we can reduce these virus types, an assumption could be made that we would also be effective at reducing the current coronavirus at hand. Important to note that we make no medical claims.

    Does RGF® have products approved for use in hospitals and healthcare settings?

    Yes, RGF-BioControls® product line includes the Microcon® MAP and Microcon® ExC7 HEPA filtration units designed and proven to reduce risks associated with airborne infectious pathogens like COVID-19 in hospital settings. The Microcon® MAP and ExC7 are FDA 510k compliant ‘Class II medical devices’ and designed within CDC guidelines for treatment of infectious airborne pathogens and in the creation of Airborne Infection Isolation Rooms (AIIR).

    Can RGF’s PHI-Cell® and REME HALO® products be used in hospital settings?

    Many hospitals have approved and installed PHI-Cell® and REME HALO® products throughout their facilities. Using FDA 510k compliant Microcon® products in patient rooms for acute care, in combination with PHI-Cell®/REME® installed in the HVAC ductwork offers a thorough response to infection control. It is recommended in the hospital setting to employ multiple, redundant air purification technologies to achieve the best results.

    While reviewing this bulletin, Dr. Marsden (KSU) commented, “This virus apparently is similar to other viruses that we previously tested. There is every reason to believe that RGF technologies would be effective in the reduction of COVID-19.” In combination with RGF® technologies, it is recommended to always follow antimicrobial protocols and procedures per regulatory guidelines.

    Disclaimer: PHI-Cell® and REME HALO® technology has not been tested on coronavirus (COVID-19) and is not a medical device therefore, no medical claims are made. Testing is conducted by independent accredited labs and universities.


    Dual ionizers to reduce airborne particulates (dust, dander, pollen, mold spores)

    • Kills up to 99% of bacteria, mold and viruses
    • REME® reduces sneeze germs by 99% in the time a sneeze can reach three feet.
    • New zinc ions kill 99% of viruses on surfaces
    • Unlike portable units that are limited to the room in which they are placed, the REME HALO® provides whole home and building purification.
    • Easily integrated with your existing HVAC system. The unit doesn’t take away living space and operates silently.
    • Two (2) quick release features for easy, no tool, cell replacement
    • Incorporates an adjustable shroud around the REME® cell, which allows customization of the advanced oxidation plasma output.
    • U.S. Military approved for mold reduction in field hospitals.
    • U.S. and International Hospital approval for the fight against infectious diseases: 99% reduction of Staph (MRSA).
    • Major U.S. city school reports 20% reduction in absenteeism.
    • Tested and approved by the Chinese Government for protection against the deadly SARS virus.
    • Approved by the USDA, FSIS, and FDA for use in food processing plants. Employed to reduce microbial contamination of food being processed.
    • Cruise lines use it as a safety measure against Norwalk Virus outbreaks.

    The REME HALO® can be installed in a wide variety of residential, commercial and industrial applications where a ducted HVAC system exists.
    Here are some examples:
    • Single family homes, apartments, condos
    • In hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and doctor’s offices
    • Schools, daycare centers, colleges and universities
    • Fitness centers, locker rooms, athletic facilities
    • Office buildings
    • Veterinary clinics, animal hospitals, kennels,
    • Hotels, motels, and resorts.
    • Food processing and manufacturing plants/facilities
    • Restaurants, diners, and bars


    Source: RGF Environmental Technologies