Selecting the Right Air Purifier for Your Home

Selecting the Right Air Purifier for Your Home


With the emergence of COVID-19, homeowners’ worries about air quality have reached all-time highs. Even with the use of masks and social distancing, if the air quality in your home is poor, you have a higher risk for COVID-19 and any other airborne contaminants. Some common airborne contaminants include pollen, bacteria, fungi, dust mite allergens and more. These are some of the main culprits that cause difficulties for individuals with allergies and asthma. Air purifiers are great tools to improve air quality in your home. With air purifiers, you can reduce many airborne pollutants while improving your air quality. Some factors to consider when choosing your air purifier include:


Choose air purifiers with HEPA filters: Air purifiers with high-efficiency particulate absorption (HEPA) filters are the best air filters on the market. HEPA filters are highly efficient at trapping particles in the air. Most HEPA filters can remove almost 100% of air pollutants they encounter. These purifiers can remove particles as small as 0.3 microns in diameter. In addition to the size of pollutants they can capture, HEPA filters use fans to capture air pollutants that are not in close contact with the filter. The filter’s quiet and effective nature makes it necessary for all air purifiers to have a HEPA filter.


Compare CADR ratings: CADR ratings are a good indicator of how efficient an air purifier is. The Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) shows the air volume (in cubic feet per minute CFM) cleaned for particles. Purifiers are tested for their effectiveness in removing various particle sizes, including smoke, dust, and pollen. The CADR rating considers both air flow and filter efficiency to calculate the final CADR value. The higher the CADR rating, the more efficient the air purifier is. CADR is not the be-all and end-all of how good an air purifier is, but it’s a great metric to use when selecting for efficiency.


Choose purifiers that are specific to your home’s needs: Most great air purifiers can do the job for most homes, but if you have a specific need, like removing cigarette smoke, it’s best to choose an air purifier that specializes in that pollutant. Air purifiers tailored to specific pollutants are the best for your home. For example, if your main pollutant is a pet dander and a loved one has an allergy, choosing an air purifier for a pet dander is your best bet.




Geiler has partnerships with the best air purifier manufacturers and has extensive experience in all aspects of air purifiers. Air purifiers have certain requirements regarding installation and maintenance; when you choose Geiler as your supplier, all of the upfront work and maintenance for your air purifier is handled seamlessly. Geiler’s union-trained and certified technicians will be able to assist you in selecting a purifier, installing it, and going through any of the paperwork and maintenance needed to provide a seamless installation experience. To learn more about getting the best support and warranties for your air purifier, talk to an expert here today.




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In-Duct Air Purification

In-duct air purification:


In-duct air purification is one of the most comprehensive ways to treat air contaminants and purify the air in a home. With in-duct purification, virtually every cubic space in the house can be purified from contaminants like surface microbials, bacteria, and mold. In-duct air purifiers can be used for both residential and commercial spaces and often come with a 5+ year warranty. Additionally, in-duct air purifiers have more technological capabilities than normal air purifiers. Many in-duct air purifiers come are mercury and ozone-free and some have washable catalysts. The LED cell modules that accompany some in-duct air purifiers last double the lifespan of current air purifiers on the market. Some of the benefits of in-duct air purification include:


Elimination of bacteria and pollutants at their source: Many purifiers tackle bacteria and other pollutants when they start to contaminate the air of a home. What makes in-duct air purifiers unique is their capacity to be proactive and continuously purify the air. In-duct air purifiers have the power to clean every cubic inch of an area. With the constant purification of the air, the home can become a very harsh climate for bacteria, pollutants, and other contaminants. This helps eliminate all harmful substances at their source and prevent future growth and contamination.


Neutralize smoke: One of the primary reasons homeowners get purifiers is to neutralize smoke within homes. Many homes have fireplaces, individuals who smoke, etc., so smoke definitely affects the air quality. With in-duct air purification, smoke is neutralized as soon as it hits the air. The odors, particulates, and other contaminants accompanying the smoke are captured by the filters in the in-duct air purification system. This ensures children and other inhabitants are safe from the risks of smoke inhalation and other contaminants.




In-duct air purifiers can be installed in HVAC systems in both residential and commercial spaces. Since in-duct air purification systems can be costly, it’s important to have it installed correctly to prevent future fixes and issues. Geiler has access to the best manufacturers for in-duct air purifiers and can help you find a customized in-duct air purifier that fits your budget. With Geiler, every step of the installation and maintenance of your in-duct air purifier will be handled professionally. Geiler’s technicians have over 5+ years of installation experience and they are the only union-trained residential HVAC provider in the Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky areas. To learn more about what an in-duct air purifier is best for your home or business, talk to an expert here today.



Increasing the Indoor Quality With Hydro-Peroxide


Increasing the Indoor Quality With Hydro-Peroxide


In a recent sneeze study, hydro-peroxide was shown to have killed over 99% of all microbes caused by a sneeze within 3 feet. With the influx of airborne transmission of illnesses, using a solution like hydro-peroxide can be a proactive way to reduce the spread of infection and improve the indoor quality of air in buildings. Hydro-peroxide is commonly used in hospitals, schools, and many other areas where there are employees and patients that may be immunocompromised. Hydro-peroxide was recently introduced to the HVAC industry and the results have been promising for homeowners.


What is hydro-peroxide?

Hydro-peroxide (also known as hydrogen peroxide) is a natural cleaning agent in the environment. This is the cause for phenomena like clean smelling air that occurs after a thunderstorm. Hydro-peroxide is unique for its ability to interact with oxygen in the air and remove pollutants. Controlled oxidation is a great method to destroy odors and harmful pollutants at their roots. Hydro-peroxide that is used in HVAC systems enables homeowners to control their indoor air quality.


Hydro-peroxide helps:


Make it easier for your filter to catch pollutants: The majority of filters being used by homeowners are not able to catch microscopic pollutants in the air like bacteria or viruses. If your HVAC system uses hydro-peroxide, pollutants will be continuously purified from your air. The hydro-peroxide in the air makes particles stick together more, which makes it easier for your filter to catch.


Protect immunocompromised loved ones: With the spread of COVID-19 across the globe, individuals with immune systems and chronic illnesses are very susceptible to being ill. Children and immunocompromised adults need to have clean air in their homes to prevent bacteria, viruses, and other airborne transmitted diseases. Hydro-peroxide ensures that there are no hallucinogens and other harmful substances in the air that can compromise the health of loved ones.


How to get started with hydro-peroxide:


Finding a reliable supplier and installing hydro-peroxide in your HVAC can be both costly and time-consuming. Geiler is the only union-trained residential HVAC company in the Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky area. Geiler provides professional high quality and swift installations that maximize the performance and lifespan of your products. Homeowners should be wary of unreliable shortcuts in installation because that can quickly become a larger issue after any issues that arise in the future. Geiler partners with the best manufacturers to provide the best support and warranties for all of your parts. To learn more about hydro-peroxide and how it can help clean your air in your home, talk to an expert today.






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Residential Humidification: Types, Benefits and Installation


For optimal indoor air quality, the humidity in a home should be between 40-50%. Many homes have levels of humidity that are well below this, especially during the winter months. The dry air can cause a variety of complications for most adults, let alone children and senior adults. Humidifiers add moisture into the air and prevent dryness that can cause dry skin, irritation, bloody noses, sinus congestion, and more. Humidifiers can also help several parts within the home like wood floors, furniture, etc. Proper humidity within an environment prevents things from breaking down and it also provides humidity to moisture-deprived areas. There are several different types of humidifiers and you should choose one based on your specific needs. Some of the different types of humidifiers include:


Warm Mist: Warm mist humidifiers produce a warm, quiet mist when in use and they can be very helpful when dealing with colds and flu-like symptoms. The mist provided by the warm mist humidifier tends to be cleaner than its cool mist counterpart. Some drawbacks to this humidifier include more cleaning needed than the average humidifier and the steam produced by it should be kept away from children.

Ultrasonic: Ultrasonic humidifiers are a little bit more expensive, but they have extensive features and benefits. It uses high-frequency vibrations to produce a high-quality mist that can add moisture to any environment it is placed in. Since there’s no hot water in the system, it’s safer around children because it will not burn or irritate the skin upon touching. A drawback to this humidifier is that it needs extra disinfecting to prevent bacteria or any other contaminant from growing on its surface.


Cool Mist: Cool mist humidifiers release a cool vapor into the air when they are in use. The filter that it uses is very easy to clean because it catches water impurities. For homeowners in warm climates, this is one of the best options to humidify a home. Since the vapor emitted is cool, it’s safe around pets, children and you can add inhalants to help with colds and flus. Some drawbacks to this type of humidifier include possible bacterial growth if uncleaned and semi-loud operational noise when in use.


Vaporizer Humidifier: Vaporizer humidifiers can provide both a cool and warm mist. Additionally, vaporizer humidifiers are affordable and inhalants can be added in to treat illness like the cold and flu. The vaporizer humidifier unit tends to boil water and distributes steam throughout a room. This type of humidification can be very beneficial, but there are a few drawbacks. This type of humidifier consumes a lot of energy and should be kept out of the reach of children due to the burn risks associated with it.




When installing humidifiers, the difficulty can vary depending on the size and type of humidifier being installed. It’s recommended you consult with a company like Geiler that can walk you through all the steps needed from selecting a humidifier to installing it. Geiler has expert technicians that can source, install, and manage your humidifier from the best manufacturers on the market. With over 130 years of experience, Geiler is the premier humidifier installer and provider in the Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky areas. To learn more about which humidifier is best for you, talk to an expert here.




Residential Dehumidification: Benefits and Installation


Residential dehumidifiers can remove anywhere from 10 pints to 50 pints of water daily in a home. Without proper dehumidification, homes can experience various health and financial risks. Allergens thrive in humid environments, so these can be very problematic for households with infant children. Dehumidifiers are relatively easy to install and make little noise when running in a home. Some signs that you may need a dehumidifier include:

  • Water stains on the ceilings and walls of the house
  • Mildew or musty smells
  • Poor ventilation, especially in areas with no windows.


Some of the benefits of dehumidification include:


Protection against allergens: Homes without dehumidifiers pose a higher risk for adults and children with allergies and asthma, especially in humid climates. Since most infants spend most of their first years of life at home, they can be susceptible to various allergic stimulants like dust mites. If the furniture in the home is old and the climate is humid, a home can quickly turn into a high-risk environment for people with allergies and asthma. Dehumidifiers ensure the environment is safe for children and adults by controlling the humidity to healthier levels.


Protects your home: High humidity can cause many problems throughout a home. When your home is humid for long periods, clothes will take longer to dry, the moisture in the air can make foods expire faster, and the humidity can compromise the structural integrity of your home. Many of these damages will be apparent after a significant time in a humid house. A dehumidifier counteracts all of this and protects your home long-term. Many dehumidifiers are portable and come in different sizes, so they can be used in any room in the house.


Save energy and money on AC: In a humid environment, the AC system has to work extra hard to counteract the humidity. Without a dehumidifier, the AC must perform both cooling and dehumidifying functions. These costs can quickly add up while your AC continues to be inefficient. A dehumidifier complements your AC system because it removes the humidity, so the AC system can focus solely on cooling. Over a year, this can save significant money and improve the cost-effectiveness of your entire AC.


There are several options for homeowners when selecting a dehumidifier. The best option is always the dehumidifier that best meets your humidity and residential needs. Dehumidifiers can come in different capacities and sizes, so it’s best to consult with a contractor to see what works best for your home. Geiler has decades of experience selecting and installing dehumidifiers for residential homes. Take some time to talk to one of our dehumidification experts here and choose the best dehumidifier for your home.




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Founded nearly 150 years ago, The Geiler Company of Cincinnati, Ohio is a woman-owned, family-run business that provides heating, plumbing, and cooling services for residential and commercial clients.

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