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Commercial HVAC Maintenance Contracts

Commercial HVAC Maintenance Contracts

Our Commercial Service Division has been an acknowledged leader since our inception. We offer Cincinnati HVAC clients turn–key service, from new construction to renovation, retrofit and maintenance. The Geiler Company, a Cincinnati Mechanical Contractor, serves customers across a broad spectrum in the commercial, industrial, institutional and health care fields. In addition, our drafting and prefabrication capabilities allow us to see projects through from start to finish, in–house.

“Geiler Alert” Maintenance Contracts –Tailored program maintenance agreements can meet your specific project requirements to maintain your Cincinnati air conditioning and heating equipment at the highest level. A maintenance agreement will help prevent equipment failures, increase equipment life, lower energy consumption, ensure preferred scheduling, and provide a healthier environment. The maintenance agreements range from:

  • labor only programs
  • preventive maintenance programs
  • full coverage contracts

For in-depth explanations and descriptions of typical contracts, please continue. Your tailored contract will reflect your special equipment needs and the demands of your marketplace.

Reasons to use the “Geiler Alert” Preventative Maintenance Programs

Peace of mind  Automatic, periodic inspection of your equipment keeps them operating at peak efficiency. Potential problems are spotted before they cause trouble.

Preferred Treatment  Although Geiler Alert increases your equipment's reliability, should you need emergency service, Geiler Alert entitles you to preferential treatment over non–contract customers.

What You Receive:

  • Regular inspection of all applicable equipment with at least one detailed inspection during its operating seasons; perform all services required ( check belts, check refrigerant charge, etc. ) per Geiler Alert standards.
  • A complete copy of the service technician's report, indicating what repairs and/or improvements, if any, are necessary or recommended following each inspection.
  • Annual maintenance required for all applicable equipment, per “Geiler Alert” and the equipment manufacturer's established standards. Emergency Service – 24 hours per day, 365 days per year with priority to members over non-contract customers.
  • Checklists, per “Geiler Alert” standards, to be utilized for the purpose of evaluating, scheduling, and performing maintenance.
  • Qualified Service Technicians (Mechanical Equipment Service Journeymen ) to perform periodic maintenance and emergency services.
  • A designated service technician as the primary individual to coordinate all maintenance service (with a second service technician designated as back-up).


Types of Maintenance Contracts

Labor Contracts  These agreements will lock in reduced labor and material rates on a yearly basis for providing exclusive mechanical service for your company. These agreements also provide you with preferred customer status which gives you priority scheduling service over the non-contract customer.

Preventive Maintenance Contracts  These agreements provide scheduled preventive inspections in order to maintain your equipment to the highest possible standards. We tailor each agreement to provide the exact level of service that will best suit your requirements. We assign a primary and secondary service technician to your facility to assure consistency and personalized service. These agreements also provide you with a preferred customer status which gives you priority scheduling service over non–contract customers to provide prompt service for your emergencies. These agreements offer reduced labor and material rates for emergency service calls

Full Coverage Contracts  These agreements also provide scheduled preventive inspections in order to maintain your equipment to the highest possible standards. These contracts for one yearly price will cover the cost of labor and materials to perform scheduled preventive inspections and emergency service calls for the covered equipment. We tailor these agreements to the level of coverage that best suits your needs. These contracts are assigned a primary and secondary service technician to your facility to ensure consistency and personalized service. These agreements also provide you with preferred customer status, which gives you priority scheduling service over non-contract customers.


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